Tuesday, October 13, 2009

lastly i still choosing to endure u...

i dunno how to face u..
last time u tell jun u can't be real to me..
since that time..
since u say me copy cat..
since u affected me when exam...
i'm thinking about that ..
is u really is my friend..
since that day i say back u..
i'm feel u start to say me...
or write in ur blog about me..
fashion show..
i feel happy..
bec jun is winning..
i really happy..
bec my friend never get win..
when u all stay in bilik jahitan..
i help u go bilik guru borrow the shoes..
u never wear..
after fashion show..
u get angry..
n i call u gv back the shoes to pn ong..
wat is ur respond?
straight go away n never reply me..
i already very unhappy...
i n wei hong..
go bilik guru n put back the shoes..
can i ask did u say any thing to me?
when i back class..
dunno where u go..
then i sit together wit wei hong them..
when u come back from outside..
u never talk wit me also..
i wrong i wrong..
in your life just u right..
anyone is wrong..
cnt near ur darling..
he is the most important in ur life..
u is my best friend..
but keep hurt me ..
me n jun difference..
she is the person who will find u talk ur problem..
i won't..
i no dare to do it..
bec u is sitting beside of me...
i endure it...
i dun wan say out anything .
i dun wan hurt u..
bec if i say out..
really will hurt u many..
so until today i still choosing to endure u..
dun wan say out..