Saturday, September 19, 2009

think urself..pls

today view ur blog...
say u hate 3 dahlia...
izit u so hate?
wei hong?
he not ur best friend?..
he dun hv support u?
he is a one who support u when u feel suffer..
sometime he know de thing i also dunno..
why u hate..
the reason is no one help u?
or no one support u when u quarell wit us?
or u think tat kee ian is ignore u?
last time u say..
in ur life got 2 important person..
one is kee ian ..
one is qui han..
actually u dun hv say i already noe..
u just will say people copy u..
i dunno who is the person...
but i just can tell u..
dun think people is copying u..
see urself..
actually u is saying urself...
be4 i view ur blog i will thinking ...
after i view ur blog..
will affected me to do revision?
but really affected me...
i care of u ...
but u everytime hurt me..
i did not like to hurt u..
i dun hv tell u about ur problem..
last time when i say u just say dun hv dun hv..
i dun wan ask agn..
bec i noe u won't think tat is wrong..
u change back already..
ur attitude bad again..
i open tis blog ..
i dun hv let u see..
bec i care ur feeling to say tis..
fashion show...
all people agree join teacher ..
just u..
did not like tis..
all people agree..
just u did not wan..
izit wan all people follow u?
u say me..
did i got say back u wat?!!!
the answer is no!
wat u did ..
i dun hv say back u!!
but that no mean i dun care
yes..be4 i dun care..
but u everytime like tat now u writting in ur blog...
wat la..
can u ask all people beside of u ?
wat they thinking?
chi hao?
one of the person...
when quarrel wit us..
he teman u n talk wit u..
but u?
ask wat he feeling la..
everytime feel all people did bad to u..
but u never think wat u did to people..
i dunno why u change until like tat at this year...
maybe stress?
i also stress..did i nid same wit u?
scold people without reason?
say people never think myself got wrong?
if i'm u..
i won't hurt my friend who good to me..
bec i very thank them because they care me when i feel suffer..
i won't did bad to them..
bec i treasure our friendship..
i feel warm..
when my friend alway good to me..
bec i think if u good to them ..
them also will good to u..
but u not same..
i good to u..
but u try to hurt me..
enough la...
i dunno u is sengaja to affected me or wat..
u like la...


  1. wah
    you really very angry leh
    wei ar
    dun so angry lar
    dun care about her lar
    just do your own thing
    if i were you
    i wont see her blog anymore
    at lease until after PMR
    she say what
    you just dun care
    just wait
    after PMR
    i feel very the happy a bit
    bec she dun wan same class wit us
    bec she dun like us
    bec she dun think us as friend
    bec she cant see us
    bec she every time think we are wrong
    i dunno why
    i dun miss her anymore
    i just dun
    and i feel very HAPPY!!!!!!

  2. haiz..but i cnt dun care..haiz..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
